AppSettings Environment Configuration for DotNetCore and ASPDotNetCore

Recently I had to work in a worker process project and after deployment, something wasn’t right. After spending hours, realized that the application was not loading the right configuration files. So this article is a self note on how to configure app to read from the appsettings in a dot net core environment. Following Microsoft …

Tracking Request Headers in Azure Application Insights

Application Insights is a monitoring service Microsoft provides which is now grouped under Azure Monitor. We use it monitor our applications and extremely useful in production environments. I spent most of the time in Transaction search when I have to look into deployed applications and it allows to see all the requests made apart from …

Docker 101 for .Net Core

By now everyone is familiar with the idea of containers and docker and how those words are used interchangeably like search and google. This article is more like a self reference to some of the basic ideas and commands around docker for reference. Docker or containers in general came to solve the typical software problem, …

HTTP Header Propogation in ASP.Net Core

.Net core has made it super easy for header propogation, which is to transfer the header information from one http request to subsequent requests along the line, across multiple services. One common use case is to transfer the token information to subsequent services which are called down the line. Make HTTP requests using IHttpClientFactory in …

Creating a WordPress site on Amazon Lightsail

If you don’t have an AWS console account, we need to set that up first. Once we have an AWS account, just go to the Lightsail console. Tutorial: Launch and configure a WordPress instance in Amazon Lightsail | Lightsail Documentation After selecting region, and WordPress, I opted for the cheapest plan possible. Lightsail console has …

Commonly Used Dot Net CLI Commands

Dot net core was a revolutionary step up in many ways, from the old dot net framework. But one of the fav things I love about core is its cross platform support. And if we learn some of the CLI commands we can use it across Windows, MacOS or Linux. dotnet new creates a .net …